Sunday, June 7, 2015

What Really Matters

My friend *Wayne* was married this month. I still find it hard to grasp, as the wedding was out of the country, and I wasn't able to attend. I haven't been able to see photos, since I refuse to be a Facebooker any longer. None of that really matters, though.

I have been praying for Wayne and his new wife ever since I knew they were going to be married--which actually wasn't for very long. Friends and I didn't know until very recently (and some still don't!). Wayne believes in God, but I don't know whether his wife shares those beliefs, as she grew up in a faith other than Christianity. I have been praying that Wayne will enter into a deeper relationship with his Maker, and that his wife will let Jesus be her all in all too. That is the only way they will be happy as individuals and as a couple. That is the key to unity, to peace, to fulfillment in life.

Not only that, but when you consider that Jesus died for Wayne and for his wife so that they could have this life and the life to come; so that He could deliver them from the curse of sin and make them the noble people He wants them to be; so that He could make them a blessing to the world;--your heart just longs for them to experience salvation in the full sense of the word.

It is then that you realize this is what really matters when it comes to people. Nothing else. It makes you want to sing the words of that old song, "For You I Am Praying":

I have a Savior, He’s pleading in glory,
A dear, loving Savior, though earth friends be few;
And now He is watching in tenderness o’er me;
And, oh, that my Savior were your Savior, too.
For you I am praying,
For you I am praying,
For you I am praying,
I’m praying for you.
Yes, I am still praying, and I don't plan on stopping until I see results. I hope you won't for those you know, either.